Tripping over Rocks


Remember when I said, it was just a small fall?

Running the day after the fall and the interval training during the week was no problem. But running today proved me wrong. Admittedly, running from Aarau to the Rhein is not a short walk, but what I did not expect is the fall from last week would say hello again after 25 of the almost 30 km.

Before I complain about my break from running waiting for me, let me tell you about the actual run itself.

The weather was nice, a bit on the cold side. The first part consisted of climbing until reaching the wasserflue, one of the usual routes. From there I continued on along the hiking trail, passed by a small airport. A little mental low on a bench with a view took a few minutes. But in the end I found the motivation to cross the last hill separating me from the river. From there I took the bus back home.

Lets see how I deal with a week of no running due to a hurting knee…