100 Days


Less than 100 days to go until the start of the Run For Love. The weekly mileage is currently between 10 and 30 km and is supplemented by workouts at the gym approximately two times per week. A training schedule can be found on my computer, that does unfortunately not mean that I have become better at following it compared to my days when I was rowing. Currently the theme of my training is more along the lines of:

Falling, getting up, getting rid of the dust and continue walking.

Sometimes this is done literally, as happened while running along the river today. A little moment of just jogging along and a rock jumping in my way led to a hole in my leggings and a bleeding knee.

The mental side of the sentence is a very important part in the preparation for the challenge ahead. Sometimes I find it difficult to find the motivation to get outside and run, especially after a full day of work, in the cold and rainy weather. Its ok as long as one of the following days you manage to get out and find the joy in running again.

The finding and adjustment of limits has been a constant companion during my running adventures. It has been a steep learning curve. Nothing shows you what is important if not stumbling through the heat without water, food or phone and taking a wrong turn making extending the run by a few kilometers.